
Young Writers Society


Photo of ReviewBuddy

About ReviewBuddy

Hey, ReviewBuddy here! This account is here to post reviewing tips and help fellow YWSers improve their reviewing skills. If you feel like someone may need some reviewing help but you're not comfortable messaging them, feel free to let ReviewBuddy know and I'll do my best to contact them and help them improve!

Keep up the beautiful reviewing!


Writing reviews, being a raccoon, reading reviews, rooting around in the garbage, spending time on yws, giving rad advice, and meeting new people.



Too often we crave the extraordinary in life, without even learning how to cherish the ordinary first. Friend, I promise you this: if you can learn to take joy in the simple mundane things in life, the extraordinary will take care of itself, it'll be on its way, hurrying towards you. But if you skip the first part, it'll ever evade you.
— Arcticus