Gaah! Just when I begin to think I've escaped it, it creeps up behind me and bites me in the butt. Answer= Kinda. It's all there in my head, just ...
Aug 31, 2008
The idea behind this is very intriguing, and I think you pull it off with grace. i float beautifully as you stand there watching Nice line, but I'd use a ...
Aug 16, 2008
Hypocrite You know something I can't stand? When pig-nosed hypocrites make faces at the wide world, stick thier tongues out, roll thier eyes, and rub thier chins, and try to ...
Aug 16, 2008
Hey Kris! So so so happy to see you've put something up... As usual this is.. *hem hem* to quote the author "Sublime". There is no star, nor all in ...
Aug 16, 2008
Um, why would I want to get hot and sweaty, huffing and puffing my way around the neighbourhood, when I could feel liberated from gravity for a few short hours? ...
Aug 14, 2008
So, this is my first cento, which (for those of you unfamiliar with this form) is a poem comprised of lines from other pieces. The parameters and span of the ...
Aug 9, 2008
I've copied this generalized explanation of a sestina. For a more detailed description (and to see why mine isn't a true sestina) click the link below: Sestina: The sestina has ...
Aug 9, 2008
I love Suzan! She's very likeable, and even better, incredibly real. Quote: Their mother was oblivious to their banter, staring off at nothing, lost in thoughts. Suzan could just imagine ...
Aug 9, 2008
Very creepy, nice length, and thought provoking. Thank you! RG
Aug 9, 2008
Hey girl! Here for a crit... since you said you wanted ideas, I'm going to try and inspire rather than poem-bash or shred. This line: I take your flowy hand ...
Jun 14, 2008
Hello! I recently realized I have never read anything by you. That I can recall. So, here for a crit! "and wearing average boring clothes." Hem hem. "average, (
Jun 13, 2008
Back for more! So, critting as I go along: Quote: "Was she not meant to spot things like this?" This sentence seems unnatural. Could you change it to something simpler, ...
Jun 12, 2008
I enjoyed this so much! These lines I loved especially: "On and on, the heavens melt, to where no god has ever dwelt" Tiny nitpicks: "not for me, i am ...
Jun 8, 2008
"Terrible neglect lets tiles," Something about this line doesn't sound quite right. Perhaps the Terrible neglecT leTs Tiles... The fact that you have this repeated emphasis on "T" is either ...
Jun 7, 2008
Only one thing: "longling" at the end = longing. Heh, very romantic. No complaints! This poem seemed to throb with love. I liked it. *clicks gold star* :D RG
Jun 7, 2008