
Young Writers Society


Photo of Railan

About Me

Hey there guys!

Well, I'm new here, but have been wanting to write my own story for Arceus knows how long. Now before we get any further here, my story is technically a fanfiction. Wait no DON'T LEAVE YET LET ME EXPLAIN THIS- thanks. OK. You don't have to have played the game it's based on, or read any of the collaboration it's a part of, to understand what's going on here, and the characters, settings and story itself are all totally original. This is technically a fanfiction because it's set in the same universe (the Aeron Galaxy), and is part of a collaboration called 'The Tale of Tesseract' (also set in Aeron, but in a totally different area). I personally have nothing against fanfiction, but some people do... Each to their own, I guess. But there's my explanation. :p If you want to find out more about the collaboration, you can look for it using my FanFiction.net profile - www.fanfiction.net/~railan101 , my DeviantArt account - www.railan101.deviantart.com , or my WattPad profile - www.wattpad.com/user/Railan . :p

OK, about me. Well, there's not really much to say here... I love fantasy novels and Nintendo, although I'm not averse to the likes of Borderlands, Team Fortress 2, Assassin's Creed, (and, of course, Spore)... The list goes on. :D Some of my favourite authors are Brandon Sanderson, George RR Martin, JK Rowling (she has to be in there somewhere) and Robert Jordan.

So 'Faith in Alliances' itself is pretty much a soft-sci-fi story, following multiple points of view. It spans many different characters from the seven different Empires in the Westexia Alliance, and quite a few more outside the Alliance besides. But yes, there will be conspiracy theories, chance meetings, awesome spaceships and plenty of good fight scenes, and it will all - eventually - link into the entire collaboration that this is written for, as the other authors are so good at doing. All of the things you'd expect. ;)

Thanks a lot for reading; it really means a lot. See you around the site!


Reading, gaming, dreaming, sleeping, not necessarily in that order.


Professional Procrastinator

May you never steal, lie, or cheat. But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows. And if you must lie, then lie with me all the nights of your life. And if you must cheat, then please, cheat death.
— An Unknown Bride, Leap Year