
Young Writers Society


About Penhaligon29

I participated and won Script Frenzy 2007. I act almost non-stop. I'm currently editing my Script Frenzy Script and am writing the first novel in THE CHRONICLES OF SECRECY (More in Blog). I also am writing a series called The Codebreaker, wether I will return to the novel or not, is unknown. Right now, I wil wait before continuing with TCOS to write a realsitic fiction novel called "The Apple Tree". The Apple Tree deals with being an outsider in your school, and bullying and where it can go if it goes too far. EDIT: "The Apple Tree" has been droped for a different novel. Can't wait to begin posting my Novels on here. And Yes, my name comes from Arthur Penhaligon of Keys to the Kingdom! I am creating a new usergroup for actors playwrights and screenwriters alike. If you want to join, go to the Advertising and Information on Usergroups forum in the usergroup section, click on The Curtain Club Thread, and join. Also, if you'd like to be a co-mod for the group, just say so when you post on the thread.


Acting, Writing, Reading, Music, Drawing

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
— George Santayana