
Young Writers Society


About Pash

I am Pash. I am Pash-can. I am Pasta, Carrot-Top, Pumkinhead, Ash, and numerous other nicknames including the predictable 'Hey You.'

I spend most of my time reading and improving my writing skills. I try my best to become great at what I do, including Marching Band.

I don't have a life during the fall because of the Catband, and during the winter I usually read in front of a cozy fake tree and snuggle up with a boa and a few stuffed monkeys.

In the spring I dwell in the drama department, lazying about in the technical backgrounds and horrid lighting.

Then the summer consumes me with beaches, cute unreachable guys, and the most to-die-for writing weather you could ever imagine. Just think about it: sitting on your back porch with a great stretch of woodlands reaching so far out, the treetops meld into the dusty orange horizon, and you sit there till dusk, clicking away on a shiny laptop. Aaaah.



Writing, Filmmaking, and Marching Band


Broadcast Editor

Never use your shield as a dinner plate, for that is when the enemy is most likely to attack.
— The KotGR Commander