
Young Writers Society


Photo of OreosAreLife

About Oreos

Hi I'm Ashley. I was formerly AshleyDashley. I write mostly poetry and I love talking to people. I love making new friends and I write whatever comes to my mind at that moment so I can publish it later! I'm a very curious person and love asking questions and getting to know people. So if you decide to talk to me you have been warned. I graduated Class of 2018. I love Oreos, and think that are the best food on the planet. I'm taking life one day at a time. If you don't like Harry Potter..... We have a problem then because I am a Potterhead to the core. I love swearing. So sorry.


OREOS, Reading, Writing, Watching Movies, Drawing, Hanging out with friends and family, Watching Once Upon a Time, Supergirl, Manifest, and Supernatural. I love the anime. I've seen Black Butler, Yuri! On Ice, and Tokyo Ghoul. But mostly I listen to BVB, MCR, BMTH, FIR, MIW, SWS, Get Scared, Ashes Remain and many others.


Reader of Books, Eater of Oreos (obviously)

I always prefer to believe the best of everybody; it saves so much trouble.
— Rudyard Kipling