Masquerade Thanks!
Aug 31, 2017
Hey. Thanks for the follow.
Should I remember you? Did you have a name change recently? Or were you just too far before my time?
Masquerade No name change, I'm really inconsistent in my activity on yws in the last few years, haha.
Aug 31, 2017
I'm struggling to concentrate on my own creative projects right now, because ever since I saw Rogue One my brain is just going STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS on a loop.
I can't believe I managed to finish my Writing Olympics entry for today an entire hour before the deadline. #whohaveibecome
Masquerade Thanks!
Aug 4, 2016
Mageheart You're welcome!
Aug 4, 2016
Felt like a real adult going to the grocery store today until I realized there were a ton of pokemon in the store.
Hey, does anyone have any good book recommendations? I'm craving something adventurous, probably fantasy or historical fiction.
turtlethatroars Ever heard of The Books of Bayern?
Jun 20, 2016
Mageheart The Shannara series by Terry Brooks is an awesome read. High fantasy adventure with a taste of apocalyptic history. The first book is called Th Sword of Shannara, and is about a half elf named Shea Ohmsford who needs to find the sword of Shannara in order to defeat the evil Warlock Lord - who supposedly was dead.
Jun 20, 2016
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Getting a novel idea in the car on the way to work and almost missing your exit because you're so excited. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aug 2, 2022