
Young Writers Society


Photo of Machupicchu14

About Machupicchu14

Hi everyone!
So ,first I thought I would write a poem to tell more about myself but no, that didn't work and I'm therefore giving up this idea altogether. I am 15 years old , undoubtedly a secondary school student. I am half Spanish and half Peruvian, and I am proud of this. I like millions of things, among them reading and writing (obviously), but this list also includes travelling, watching films, and the interest I have in different subjects such as Psychology, Neuroscience, Astrophysics, Law (Human Rights), Forensic Medicine and one of my hobbies is learning languages, with an inspiration of knowing at least 5. Like I said before, I like reading, but I'll be the person to read classic books from well known writers such as Dumas, Enid Blyton, Salgari, Hardy, and so on. These books have been the ones to shape my present existence. (Referring to these so called "bestsellers", either they are very good or I'll be most likely to forget to read them, although I am always open to recommendations, thanks to this I have discovered excellent authors such as Cecilia Aherne, Jodi Scout, Patricia Cornwell, etc).
Well, this is all I can write, as I fear I might bore the reader with any further information. Oh, btw, read THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO, it's totally worth it...

~Ama sua, ama llulla, ama quella~


Writing, reading, travelling, studying, Physics, Human Rights, Neuroscience, History, Nature, Hanging out with friends and family, Languages, SRK, and above all BEING ALIVE

Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality.
— Jules de Gaultier