
Young Writers Society


In a nutshell

I never actually chose writing as my 'forever' passion - it chose me. It's what a love, and since I am a perfectionist when it comes to writing, I mostly end up with completed poems or short stories. I've never written a book yet, but maybe something will come to me in my later years. :)

My education is what is most important to me and I aim to graduate high school and get my masters in something along the lines of human development or psychology.

I spend my time working, occasionally daydreaming, writing on sites like this, and learning new things. Laughing is one of my favorite things - but I hate being tickled!!


reading, psychology, pets, English, world affairs, crafts, and the obvious one, literature.


Student and a continual writer.

Queerly beloved, we are gathered here togay.
— KateHardy