
Young Writers Society


Photo of LordTachanka

About LordTachanka

Well hello there! I can see you stumbled opon my page. Forewarning I'm not good at this whole writing thing but hey I look at it this way the only way anything is gonna get better is with practice. Well so about me I love memes, video games and my girlfriend so I'm probably gonna write mostly about memes, videos games and sappy lovey dovey stuff. I think I'm really gonna like it here. :P

Click if your in a bad mood^


Memes, music/music production and video game.........that's about it.


Dose loving my girlfriend count? Because it should!

"The trouble with Borrowing another mind was, you always felt out of place when you got back to your own body, and Granny was the first person ever to read the mind of a building. Now she was feeling big and gritty and full of passages. 'Are you all right?' Granny nodded, and opened her windows. She extended her east and west wings and tried to concentrate on the tiny cup held in her pillars."
— Terry Pratchett, Discworld: Equal Rites