
Young Writers Society

I have only one thing to say... FABULOUS!

Photo of LordFabulous

About Lord Fabulous

My occupation and interests basically say it all! I love to write short stories and I love to share my work with people so I can get comments on it and feedback.
I don't want money or fame from it, I simply want people to see it, and for me that's all that matters...
I hope to pursue science as a career and move to the USA!
And yes I shall admit it, I am gay, but I generally don't make a big deal of it (the shopping and cooking/baking gives it away a little) :)
I do also love to play Xbox! RPG's like Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and in the future Elder Scrolls Online! :D


Science, Reading, Exploring, Hiking, Climbing, Shopping, Eating, Cooking/Baking, Gaming (especially RPG games)


None at the moment! I am doing my GCSEs and I have a part time job selling tickets at Plymouth Argyle FC!

If you're paranoid that you're making your novel worse with each passing decision clap your hands
— Panikos