
Young Writers Society


About LilMissMe99e

My names Kelsey Rivera. Im 5'(pretty short). I have blue eyes and black hair. Im a pretty easy going person. Dont really worry about wat ppl think about me because if they dont like me its there loss not mine. Really just like to hang out w/ my friends. Wen im not doing that im online. Some people think I'm weird because I dont care what they think about me and I just laugh and say "ya it kinda is" but thats just me. really i think its weird that people accually care what other people think because hey thats just a few people with possibly completely different views so why take what they say to heart? Im not really a family oriented person per say. I think of my friends as my awsome disfunctional family. I love to go skating at the roller rink. I love just having a good time its really wat i live for. I cant stand having to deal with ppl who are overly stressed all the time its just really annoying I just think if theyre gonna stress like that then whats the sense of going somewhere to have fun? It doesnt make much sense to me but hey not my call! I also like to write books im writing one right now that i just started called Lost Love its only in the begining stages but if anyone wants to read what i have so far you can always contact me or anytime you see me just ask! I love writing poetry too its one of my favorite things to do i have an entire 7 notebooks filled already and the entire back of my Science notebook filled hehe but ya this is pretty much me in a nutshell!


the list goes on and on





I love her dearly, but I can’t live with her for a day without feeling my whole life is wasting away.
— Miss Kenton, The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro