
Young Writers Society


About Lenthe

Neh. Not much to know about me. I'm nice. I think. Just don't piss me off and I'll like you.

But seriously, I love music. And more than that I love God. I've got a strange sense of humor it true, but most of the time I'm not sarcastic at all. I spend my days doing school, reading, doing some writing, and reading my Bible. There's a lot of wisdom in that book, lemme tell you.


God, music, writing(duh), and food! and friends.

There are those who say that life is like a book, with chapters for each event in your life and a limited number of pages on which you can spend your time. But I prefer to think that a book is like a life, particularly a good one, which is well to worth staying up all night to finish.
— Lemony Snicket