
Young Writers Society


Photo of Lee0z

About Lee0z

*Takes deep breath, looks at palm-card and then peers down worriedly at audience* Hello there! My name is.. *looks at palm-card squinting then chucks them across into the audience...* "My eye!" *a voice calls* ahh, sorry about that. Anyway, back to the crux of the matter, my name, it's Lee. I'm a 16 year old girl *don't be ashamed if you were reading this in a man's voice* I'm a writer, or an aspiring writer, i guess you figured that's why i'm here. *Clasps hands together and smiles at the audience*

Hey guys, that was my attempt at a bit of humour, i'm not too good at it as you probably figured. I'm Australian, and live in Queensland. I've currently finished one novel that is deeply in need of some editing and I have another ten novels awaiting attendance.

Anyway, thanks for all the good feels guys, you're awesome so thumbs up! From ~Lee

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; but the valiant will never taste of death but once."
— Julius Caesar