
Young Writers Society


About LadyoftheLetters

I as I'm sure anyone else that enlists the help of this site loves to write. I love the flow of my fingers across the page or key board, the gentle whispers of the stories, conflicts, and hearts that I'm creating. It's intresting really if you think about it, in a story you can have anything. You can create a whole new world or stick to the one we know. One thing I know for sure every writer must have some type of angel heart, for we write to not only make ourselves enjoy the stories and worlds we create but to share them with others. So the reader can take a glimpse however small into our hearts and truly see us. Writing is something that will never leave you. It will always be there in your mind or on your finger tips. Close your eyes, open your heart and allow what your truly trying to say float out onto the page. No one can judge you if you keep sight of you inital intentions. Good Luck with cultivating your talents. Sooner or later you reach your dreams.


Writing.... ha ha want to know anything else ask me why don't you =) OH! Wait I remember I also love reviews....they interest me greatly. (Stares at you with big blue eyes) Give me! Pretty Please....=)





Nobody wants to see the village of the happy people.
— Lew Hunter