
Young Writers Society


Who am I?

My name is Korlix and I joined YWS to receive feedback on my short stories as they count towards my English A levels. Apart from that, I had a look around and reviewed some others people's work. I guess I'm a typical male teenager, who reads less than he probably should and when it comes down to it, enjoys playing video games a lot more than doing any work. I do not share the enthusiasm most YWS seem to feel towards writing and even though i have tried, the flame remains but a flame and not a grand fire. I'm not exactly the most interesting person and if you carried on reading until this point, then you clearly are bored and honestly have nothing else to do. Why not review something or game? Feel free to check out my Livestream Twitch channel here: http://www.twitch.tv/korlix .

If you know what the tip of a shoelace is called, Congratulations, you watched Phineas and Ferb!
— FireEyes