Can you review my blog post? I can't link to it (I'm on my tablet), so you'll have to find it the old-fashioned way! If you want, you can read ...
Nov 19, 2012
I'd like to be a Reviewer, but would be happy being a Supporter also. Question One: D Question Two: A Question Three: C Question Four: H/R Question Five: A Question ...
Jun 13, 2012
I would like some constructive criticism on my first chapter of my second novel! Please tell me how bad it is. Thanks!
Jun 13, 2012
Hello! Since I don't have any of those star things (and am scared to use full reply after clicking on it. Too many options! Too confusing!), you probably guessed that ...
May 25, 2012
Hello! Since I don't have any of those star things (and am scared to use full reply after clicking on it. Too many options! Too confusing!), you probably guessed that ...
May 25, 2012
Hello! Since I don't have any of those star things (and am scared to use full reply after clicking on it. Too many options! Too confusing!), you probably guessed that ...
May 25, 2012