Spoiler! : Edited VersionThanks to everyone who gave me suggestions. I hope the ending has improved since the last verison. Please let me know what you think! I see you, ...Mar 8, 2011 -
My stomach is turning,spinning very head is pounding,like a bomb about to hands are sweating,smoldering, very eyes are watering,like the rain upon the yard ears are ringingscreeching very heart is ...Mar 10, 2011 -
Spoiler! : I would love to have input on this poem. If you take the time to read it, please take the time to say something. Even if you simply ...Mar 11, 2011 -
One leg to touch,Two legs to feel.Three legs to clutch,Four legs to reel. Five legs to creep,Six legs to crawl.Seven legs to leap,Eight legs to haul.Many legs of evil, Yet you are so ...Mar 13, 2011 -
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow –Words that mean so much,But are noticed so little. Representing the days gone by,The seconds in the now,And all of the future days to come. All of these ...Mar 16, 2011 -
Spoiler! : Alright, this is my attempt at a sci-fi story. I was forced to write one for my creative writing class and this is what I came up with. ...Mar 24, 2011 -
So, this is a song I wrote for a friend. It started out just being a poem, but then they told me to make it into a song. This song ...Mar 25, 2011 -
Spoiler! : Earlier this school year, my English class had to write "letters to Emily Dickinson." Within my letter I wrote a poem. Death and dying was the theme of ...Apr 2, 2011 -
This poem is also being used for the NaPo contest, but I wanted feedback on it. Please let me know what needs fixing Just FishingYes this is a poem,about a ...Apr 6, 2011 -
Spoiler! : I'm not really sure what type of writing this I thought it would be safe to stick it in the "other" category. I hope you enjoy it! I ...Apr 12, 2011 -
This pierce of the knife you throw towards me,spins and twists and turns,and it jets deeper into my heart.Eternally making me feel pain,every time you walk unto view.I am gaping ...Apr 18, 2011 -
If you think there are too many love poems.Take a moment to observe.Hang on tight, you might be wrong,and the answer, I will serve.The secret truth behind them all:Love spikes ...Apr 20, 2011 -
Is life ever really that bad that it needs to be taken?Is life ever really too muchthat it cannot go on?The urge to never walk,never laugh, breathe, or blinkever again.Can ...Apr 22, 2011 -
Spoiler! : I've been trying to practice using images and descriptive words - things that allow the reader to see what is going on. So that is what inspired me ...Apr 25, 2011 -
PLEASE help me out with edits on this story. I just wrote it wanted to share it with all of you! Lay on the edits!Apr 27, 2011 -
I haven't posted anything for a while because the curse of writers block has taken over. This is my attempt to break free of this curse, so tell me what ...May 13, 2011 -
Please help me out with this poem. Any types of comments or suggestions are appreciated! Enjoy :]--------“Don’t look back when you could look forward.”This phrase is,Overused.Overstated.OutdatedMay 19, 2011 -
This is the first thing I have written in a long time. I have had writers block so bad that I resorted to looking up prompts online to give me ...May 24, 2011 -
Spoiler! : Edits and comments are appreciated! : ) If I told you about forever,would you choose to stay?Or would you feel trappedand try to run away?If I told you ...Jun 6, 2011 -
Spoiler! : Background of the poem: earlier this week my friend was telling me how frustrating it was for her to buy a Father's Day card for her dad because ...Jun 19, 2011 -
Finally with the in crowd,on stage for people to see.I have made many sacrifices,causing this disaster no one could started slow,but snowballed fast.I'm finally in the limelight,no longer the new ...Jun 19, 2011 -
I pick up the phone,then set it back down.You made me feel like a princess,then took away my crown.Still, I long for us to talk,to hear your smooth voice.Nothing I ...Jul 10, 2011 -
This story I have written is for a contest. Objective: turn a love song into a story romance can be in the story. I was assigned the song "Here We ...Jul 11, 2011 -
Spoiler! : Last night, I felt inspired...and came up with this. I am thinking about evolving this into a short story of some sort, but I feel like it ...Aug 6, 2011 -
I tried to follow a format with this poem instead of going freestyle. So I would love any input anyone has :]---I know I said I wouldn't do this,But I've ...Aug 29, 2011 -
Spoiler! : I'm a bit rusty on my writing. Please help me make this poem better thanks! I'll be the first to admit this is all a mistake,but we promise ...Nov 10, 2011 -
Spoiler! : Haven't posted anything in a while. I just haven't written anything good I guess. So help me out with this! (Feel free to give me title suggestions too) ...Dec 7, 2011 -
This is based on a quote I found online a few weeks ago. Let me know what you think. “The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of ...Mar 2, 2012 -
Remind me why we do this, Play this game of tug of war. It always ends with crying, And you walking out the door. You abandon me here helpless, ...Dec 24, 2012 -
EDITED: Jan.9 I have been searching for inspiration and found this prompt:two people who hate each other are stuck in an elevator for 12 hours. What happens? Please, Please, Please ...Jan 7, 2013 -
Fridays make my stomach hurt. It’s the one day of the week that everybody loves. People go out, get drunk, relax, forget the week, but I can’t. I’ve tried going ...Jan 22, 2013