
Young Writers Society


About JdoggyGirl

I am 16 years old, and am currently a sophomore in high school. I'm good at coming up with ideas, but not so much being patient enough with them to put them on paper.
I love reading books, sketching with pencils, drawing with water color pencils, playing the piano (I've been learning since I was 6), during the school year I take choir (not through the school, private organization), and animals. Animals of all kinds! I know a lot about animals, and I hope to be a zoologist when I grow up. The fact that I'm slightly allergic won't stop me!


Reading (obviously), drawing, playing the piano, singing, reading more, napping, animals.


High School

Treat all disasters as if they were trivialities but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster.
— Quentin Crisp