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Young Writers Society


  • Congrats on your first review star :)

  • I love your poem you posted and hope to see more soon! A late welcome to YWS. My name is Ellie and please let me know if i can help you with anything (:

    Also, I saw that one of your interests is getting knee surgery. ME TOO.

  • welcome to YWS!!

  • Hey ILikeTrains! Welcome to the YoungWritersSociety!

    My name's looseleaf! If you need any help navigating the site, feel free to ask me. Junior moderators, other global moderators, or an administrator would be happy to help you as well!

    To start you off on your YWS journey, here's some handy-dandy links:

    - following guidelines are important, so please stop by the FAQs and rules threads if you have the time.
    - to earn points to post your own works, you have to review! the Green Room is a great place to start, since you get extra points for reviewing works in it!
    - speaking of reviewing, writing good reviews is essential! the YWS Critique Sandwich S'more explains how to write a good review.
    - YWS has some very lovely people, so hop by the People's Tab to get to know them!
    - sometimes YWSers get together in write-ins to write and discuss our writing! check out I'm Writing, Come Join Me! to see if any are currently running!

    That's all I have for now! If you have any questions/thoughts/concerns, please feel free to PM me or any other moderators. Have a wonderful day!

    - looseleaf =)

    (P.S: if you want to reply to this message, hit the single arrow button below!)

"You, who have all the passion for life that I have not? You, who can love and hate with a violence impossible to me? Why you are as elemental as fire and wind and wild things..."
— Gone With the Wind