
Young Writers Society


Photo of Emmajules

About Emmajules

I'm not good at these so I just did a blog thingie:

Do you wake up cranky?.
If it’s before 12 then YES! Hate mornings!

If an ex said he/she hates you, you say?:
You’re entitled to! You’re an ex!

Would you curse in front of your parents?:

Do you like drama?.
Very much so, I’m in a drama school, keyword: drama!

Last time you were on a boat and where?
Last year, unfortunately! In the Irish Sea sailing with friends.

Do you take daily vitamins or medications?:
Only when ordered to!

What was the last item you bought?:
Eh.....House season 2 boxset!

Last time you used a coupon?:
Last Thursday at the cinema to see the Dark Knight.

Are you afraid of roller coasters?

Would you rather go to a party or out of town?:
Party!! I actually know the people!!

Apple Bottom Jeans or Hollister gift card?:
I have no idea of what you just said,

Do you think you’re dumb?:
Read above. Seriously I wouldn’t say dumb. A little slow at times

Do you wear anything with skulls?:
No, not that I can think of!

At what age do you want to be married?:

Where and when did you last go on vacation?:
Turkey last month. Nice weather, nice people. Nice....

Where is your mom right now?:
Downstairs, but then again everyone is. I have an attic bedroom.

Are you slowly drifting away from someone close?
All of mankind. In my attic bedroom.......

Who can you tell everything to?
A priest? I’d have to think about that one....

Have you ever kissed anyone who’s name started with a C?
Eh.....I have not!

Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
Cold weather, easier to warm yourself up than to cool yourself down!

Is any part of your body sore?
My back! I’m crouched over my laptop!

Who was your last text from?

What is the last movie you watched in theaters?
The Dark Knight. Sooooooooo gooooooooooooooood!

What do you currently hear right now?
3 Doors Down- Let Me Go

How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?
98, no kids before marriage! Only joking, I don’t know, how can you possibly answer that question.

Would you rather watch football or baseball?
Neither, Rugby!

Do you feel like dancing?

Do you sleep naked?
I’m naked under my clothes

Is there someone on your mind that shouldn’t be?
Do you burn easily in the sun?
Not really, don’t tan easily either

Do you speak another language other than English?
I do five languages in school, I wouldn’t call myself fluent!

Where did your last hug take place?
Eh....the cafe me and my friends meet up at I think
Did you cry today?
If I did, I’ve blocked out said sad memory

Who do you love more than anything?
They know who they are.

Are you where you thought you would be at this point in your life?
I didn’t really think about where I would be at this age so sure!

What’s your ideal career?
Changes all the time! Right now, criminal psychologist.


Movies, Drama, Reading, Writing, Psychology, Music





Have you met a cow or another large animal?
— Liminality