
Young Writers Society


Photo of DMan117tacos

About DMan117tacos

Not much to say, I like writing and video games basically. I really like the lonesome traveler kinda stories, they've seen a lot and have the experience to not make judgement to quickly and don't see things black in white, they believe every decision can be both equally good and equally evil. Also the fact that they walk around a lot and explore new places, sometimes it's because they chose that life but that's not usually the case and i don't know, I can't really say I relate. But I enjoy just walking around I guess, i don't like being in one place too long, gets boring. I like finding new things and places it's fun, plus being outside is just relaxing sometimes

Other than that I like video games, not really that into shooter only in a few like Halo, but mainly Action/Adventure like InFamous or Assassin's Creed, also RPG's like Fallout 3 and New Vegas are really awesome too.


Video Games, Write songs, Explore, Run, Write Poems and Stories



constant state of confuzzle
— Quillfeather