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Young Writers Society


  • Hola! 'SUp?

    ChocolateMoonLight Nothing... catching up on some writing. Howz you??
    Dec 4, 2011

    Lava Awesome! How's Mr.Angel going?

    Me, I'm beginning to write something... let's see. :P

    Dec 4, 2011

  • Happy Diwali to you!

    ChocolateMoonLight same to you toooooo!!!!
    Nov 2, 2011

  • roostangarar
    Sep 21, 2011

    Sure I can extend the deadline. How long were you thinking?

    ChocolateMoonLight I'm so bloody sorry.... I asked you to extend the deadline and here I'm stuck with my exams starting this week. I'm so sorry, but whenever I do complete the story you'll be the first person I'll ask to review it... :-) :-)
    Sep 25, 2011

    roostangarar Gutted mate. I hope it's worth it!
    Sep 26, 2011

  • AwesomeSocks
    Sep 14, 2011

    Thank you for the review on Together Again :) I, too, had a Twilight Crazy phase... hahahaha :D Anyway, I've just posted chapter 3. I hope you like it! ^_^

  • Dude! I know I haven't reviewed Mr.Angerl. This weekend, for sure. College is killing me.

    ChocolateMoonLight Yeah me too and thanks a lot. Appreciated... :-)
    Sep 13, 2011

  • Twinkle4ever
    Sep 10, 2011

    Thanks for the follow! I'll follow you right back! :D

  • no one's reviewing my second chapter it has been days...

    ChocolateMoonLight Don't fret... I'm just reviewing it.
    Sep 10, 2011

  • ChocolateMoonLight
    Sep 8, 2011

    Did a cute braid with my hair today *really mom did it* and when I opened, my hair was all curled up. Looked kinda great!!! :-) :-)

  • Jashael
    Sep 8, 2011

    Hello, dearie. Can I call you Choco? :) Thanks for the follow. I followed back!! =) Also, thanks for the greeting, and I'm so glad to hear that the review helped! =))

    ChocolateMoonLight Yeah it totally did. I'm editing it and you'll be first person I'm gonna ask to review it again!!!!!! ;-)
    Sep 8, 2011

    Jashael =D/ cool! And can I have a favor? Can you please post it in my review thread? I'm trying to revive it but people keep on asking me reviews privately... :S
    Sep 8, 2011

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  • Priceless
    Sep 7, 2011

    CHOCOLATE!!!!! Hiiii!!!! It's been ages!! <3 How are you?? How's school going?

    ChocolateMoonLight It has been ages! I'm great, how about you? There's tons of homework pending...
    College sucks!!! How are your studies going? <3

    Sep 7, 2011

    Priceless Haha, what are you studying? I'm alright, studies are okay, we just started on Tuesday so. *shrugs*
    Sep 7, 2011

  • Keep up the good reviewing and you can find yourself with a shiny badge!

    ChocolateMoonLight Thanks... <3
    Sep 2, 2011

  • thanks for thehelp i really appreciate it.. correct the last 2 paras if u can that will be great

    ChocolateMoonLight My pleasure and glad I helped. I'll try and complete it at the earliest by Friday. Hope my crappy computer doesn't give me head aches till then... ;-)
    Aug 31, 2011

  • thatoddkid
    Aug 27, 2011

    Thanks for the follow! :)

  • romance otaku
    Aug 24, 2011

    Thanks so much for the review! I really appreciate you taking the time to read all the chapters of The Art Murderers up so far! Expect another chapter or two up by the end of the day (I'll PM you). Also, I just donated 500 points to you~ You will probably use them more than me.

    ChocolateMoonLight Thanks a lot!
    Aug 28, 2011

  • ChocoCookie
    Aug 24, 2011

    Hi ChocolateMoonLight ! :D

    Thanks so much for you're review! :)
    Guess 'The story of Casey's Life' was a big FLOP :/

    Anyway, with you're help, I'm sure my next entry will be so much better ^^


    ChocolateMoonLight Hey! It wasn't a flop, you just need to work on it and it'll be great!!! :-)
    Aug 24, 2011

    ChocoCookie Well thanks :)
    Aug 24, 2011

Who knew Kansas City had its own branch of the Yakuza?
— Jason Sudeikis