
Young Writers Society

Ajit Nayak

Photo of Chinku

About Chinku

Hello, I'm Chinku (nickname)/Ajit Nayak. I like to write occasional or short poems on some past or present events, when I feel, I must show case my thoughts and feelings in to letteric form. As, poetry is another best medium to express our thoughts after painting. I am an engineer and have been working in a multinational company. Apart from it I write poems, read books and draw some sketches, that much I can do now, and hope in future, I could write some interesting fiction stories and articles. You can contact me on <ajit315@gmail.com>🙂


Arts, Reading, Writing, Designing, Playing football and cricket.


Operation manager.

"In my contact with people I find that, as a rule, it is only the little, narrow people who live for themselves, who never read good books, who do not travel, who never open up their souls in a way to permit them to come into contact with other souls -- with the great outside world."
— Booker T. Washington, Up From Slavery