
Young Writers Society


Photo of CharlotteS

Don't read this. (You rebel I like you)

Right, what to tell you? Let’s just tell you everything.
I am a fun loving girl who happens to be home schooled. I enjoy making friends, swimming, reading, walking, dogs and, of course, writing! I am a strong Christian and will happily answer any questions about faith.

Most of what I will post on here will be things I just sort of sat down and wrote. I want to be published by the end of this year. I am working on a novel at the moment and have fallen in love with some of the characters.

I am a divergent demigod who lives at Hogwarts. I make sure that mischief is managed, but I do have to answer to my mum, Aphrodite. Unfortunately I also have to lead a pile of divergent rebels….oh and all that is beside making sure to keep the ring safe. So a busy life for me.

I have a twin sister who doesn’t like writing. My birthday is the day before Halloween. As aforementioned I love to make friends. Please, please, please message me if you think we would be good friends, or if you just want to vent. I’m good to vent to.

Anyway, I think this has gone on long enough. Welcome to me!


Writing, blogging, reading, marvel and English grammar


Student, writer, reader, being annoying and friend maker

Okay, first of all, who names their dinner? I don't want to know my dinner's name. This potato--is this potato named Steve?
— Rick Riordan, The Sword of Summer