
Young Writers Society

Carl Pagan

Carl Pagan

Hi there,
I'm Carl Pagan, 23 years old and, ironicallly, a pagan. I'm Scandinavian, half Swedish and half Norwegian - I speak both languages fluently but my written Norwegian is weak. English isn't my first language.

I have a passion for the Fantasy genre, mostly High Fantasy or Sword and Sorcery. I draw most of my inspiration from my scandinavian roots and cultural heritage, especially the Old Gods and the stories connected to them.

I have a passion for languages and I would love to learn a few more, Icelandic, Farsi and Gaelic are at the top of my list.


Reading, Norse Mythology, Sagas and Folklore, History, wildlife and nature, wandering in the mountains



we were just chatting about oblivious bananas
— Inferno