
Young Writers Society


Photo of Bloo

The Unjust Cancelation of Freaks and Geeks

Yo, I'm Ryan aka SuperNintendo aka Look at My Signature Because I Like Name Changes.

Use those they/them things or like I will be like rather annoyed at you.

I like TV so much it can only be measured in swearwords and tons, and I'm like going to be majoring in production so I can make it because you gotta dream big. I say things like this jokingly but it is actually something I care a lot about.


An as an act of protest, occupation is the entry into and holding of a building, space or symbolic site. As such, occupations often combine some of the following elements: a challenge to ownership of the space involved, an effort to gain public attention, the practical use of the facilities occupied, and a redefinition of the occupied space. Occupations may be conducted with varying degrees of physical force to obtain and defend the place occupied.

For in everything it is no easy task to find the middle ... anyone can get angry—that is easy—or give or spend money; but to do this to the right person, to the right extent, at the right time, with the right motive, and in the right way, that is not for everyone, nor is it easy; wherefore goodness is both rare and laudable and noble.
— Aristotle