Hello! Welcome to YWS. I am snowmonkey or snow. It's nice to meet you.
If you have any questions concerning the place, just ask members who's names are in red (administrators) or green (moderators) but I'm sure anyone else (including me) would be happy to help as well.
Oh and if you head on down to the Welcome Mat you can introduce yourself to the site, as well as welcome others.
I hope you enjoy the site
Bell0603 It's nice to meet you as well and thanks for the information. I am liking YWS so far and can't wait to see what I explore here!
Jun 26, 2018
Bell0603 Thank you! I love YWS and am excited to share and review writing. This website looks like it has many opportunities.
Jun 25, 2018
manilla I'm glad to hear that
Jun 25, 2018
I see that you're jumping right into YWS. If you want to write a review make sure that you s witch on the is this a review? tab. I know that you just joined, but you might be interested in LMS (Last Man Standing). It is a competition where you want to be The last person still writing on their project, by writing every week. If you enter as a hard you only have to write 14 lines of poetry a week. If you are interested PM me and I'll send you the links to the rules tread and to the club. #LMS
Bell0603 Thanks for the gesture but I don't think I'll join anything until I get more familiar with YWS. You can keep me posted though on things coming up and I'll let you know if I am interested. Again, thanks for all the information.
Jun 25, 2018
Lives4Christ24 Okay, I understand. Everyone is really nice here so you should feel right at home.
Jun 25, 2018
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Hi I'm Lives, I also like haikus and have written two on the site, and will write more. Welcome to YWS. My PM box is always open if you have any questions.
Bell0603 Hi, Lives! I'm glad to have met someone who shares one of my interests. I am looking forward to reading more of your work.
Jun 25, 2018
Heyo, Bell! Welcome to the site! (I absolutely love your avatar, btw. Is that your kitten? o: )
So, what do you like to write? I'm a big fan of urban fantasy, but we have all sorts of authors here. Both poetry and prose!
Bell0603 Hello, Evander and thank you for the welcome! No that isn't my kitten but I wish it was. It is so cute!
I am kind of new to the writing world. I have developed a fascination for poems and now I like writing them. I am big into rhymed poetry but I also like haikus.
Jun 25, 2018
Evander Nice! We have a lot of poets here, so I'm sure you'll find a lot of other people.
clubs/2899 There's a club for write-ins, where you can write and meet with other people!
clubs/2557 There's the poetry jam club, where people write poetry alongside other each other!
clubs/2827 And here's the poetry club!
I also know that there are a few poetry contests going on around on the site!
Jun 25, 2018
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Jun 3, 2019