
Young Writers Society


Decent, straight forward, simple, love cooking, reading, writing, travelling and helping people

A girl with small dreams moving ahead to achieve before this world ends. Born and brought up in U.A.E. lets bring smile on sad faces to glow this world.
"LIFE IS RAINBOW" - current focus of writing


Writing, reading, cooking, travelling, helping people and bringing smile on sad faces to glow this world.


A Radiographer/Radiologic Technologist Member of Pakistan Youth Forum (PYF) - Medical and Healthcare team.

For a short space of time I remained at the window watching the pallid lightnings that played above Mont Blanc and listening to the rushing of the Arve, which pursued its noise way beneath. The same lulling sounds acted as a lullaby to my too keen sensations; when I placed my head upon my pillow, sleep crept over me; I felt it as it came and blessed the giver of oblivion.
— Mary Shelley, Frankenstein