Hello Horisun! I have to say, this poem got a little laugh out of me. I have quite the handful of siblings, and as such have been in this situation ...
Dec 10, 2020
Good morning coffee I popped in looking to find something to keep me busy at work, and look how lovely this is! What a sweet little sentiment to the face ...
Dec 10, 2020
You ever just.... A title catches your eye, you skim the description. It just feels right, you open it, and your heart just cracks just a little more? I don't ...
Dec 5, 2018
hello manilla! Autopilot here to review your (rather beautiful) work. Hopefully I'll be able to write this review even half is clearly as you wrote this piece, but you never ...
Dec 5, 2018
Hullo Interstella! First off, this is super cute! It also makes me a little sad, for multiple reasons. One (the rather obvious one), it's rather frustrating how social construct dictates ...
Dec 5, 2018
Hello again 'Tato (I can stop calling you that if you want, not a problem). You ever just read something that is actually super close to you, but you read ...
Dec 4, 2018
Hello ElvinJedi! Your title here piqued my interest, and then your poem sucked me in. And WoW was that amazing. You managed to catch me in a frozen phase of ...
Dec 4, 2018
So.... whoa. First off, I apologize for not reviewing this yesterday when I said I would. I got caught up in a paper for Anatomy (do you have any questions ...
Dec 4, 2018
Hello 'Tato, welcome to The Young Writer's Society and congrats on your first star! Hopefully you're finding everything you need, but if you run into any confusion, or need a ...
Dec 4, 2018
Hello virgilross, welcome to YWS!! Can I just start off by telling you; I love this. I love your writing, your wording, your way of presenting it. I love it. ...
Dec 2, 2018
O o f. Heyo, I'm Autopilot and I'm here to review your poem about your unfortunate lack of thereof. That sounds harsh, but believe that's not what I mean; because ...
Dec 2, 2018
Hello! Autopilot here to review your poem 😁 So first, I want to point out the positive things! I like your formatting, your verses are consistent on length, you have ...
Dec 2, 2018
Hello friend! It's always harder for me to leave reviews on works that are done by someone other than the YWS author who published it. But today, in honor of ...
Dec 2, 2018
Hello again Rascalover, I just left a review for another of your works and really enjoyed it, so when I saw your name; I was immediately interested. Once again; I ...
Dec 2, 2018
Man Rascalover, that was intense. It's taken so long for me to even write honest things, and when people just spill everything, whether in a fictional or real light; it ...
Dec 2, 2018