
Young Writers Society


Photo of AredhelIrisse

About AredhelIrisse

My name is Eruanne Eruafinwe Aelin Aredhel Irisse Ar-Feiniel, but you may just call me Aredhel or Irisse.
Arakano/Arak are also names you may call me.
I'm a <insert age here> teenage girl who is an extreme nerd. She's a Christian, has ten siblings, and loves horses.
She is very much into Fantasy, such as the Silmarillion, Lord of the Rings, Ranger's Apprentice, the Chronicles of Narnia, and One Hundred Cupboards.
She lives anything Ea-related, and has a shirt with an Eight-pointed Star (AKA, the Star of Feanor) painted upon a shirt. She also seems to think she has much in common with Feanor.

I hope you like my writing, and hantanyel for dropping for a visit!


Archery, knife-throwing, fencing/sword-fighting, playing the violin and guitar, sewing, speaking Quenya Elvish, horseback riding, Civil War Reenacting, reading, and writing.



What's the point of being a grown-up if you can't be a bit childish sometimes?
— 4th Doctor