
Young Writers Society


Photo of AlyTheBookworm

‏‏Hi! I'm Aly :)

I'm a shy, sappy idealist who loves people, thinks too much, and likely lives more in her head than in the real world. Writing, art, music, prayer, family, and being in nature make me happy, and if I were a tragic heroine procrastination would be my hamartia.

I occasionally post the odd poem or digital drawing here, and sometimes write for roleplays and storybooks. Mostly lurk.

- My Art -

I'm the creator of a fantasy/drama/action webcomic called 'The Herald's Soul' about a monster-fighting sibling trio, which can be found here:
https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/t ... _no=613586

And here:
https://www.deviantart.com/alydabookwor ... -893266044

Spoiler! :

AlyTheBookworm wrote:#alphabetanswers
Age: according to my family: I look like a baby, give off wise old granny energy, but am actually 19
Biggest Fear: being alone, or worse, losing myself in order not to be alone
Current time: tea-before-bed time.. 1:30 AM :’)
Drink you last had: ginger lemon tea
Everyday starts with: trying to return to my dreams by pretending I’m still asleep
Favorite song: Too many, too many. And it changes from moment to moment. Right now, maybe Cave of Mind by Joe Hisaishi, Hermano Sol Hermana Luna by Mecano, The Unforgettable Fire by U2, Ko Ki by Plini, Lullaby by Marrzaan, Send Her My Love by Journey, Forsaken by Dream Theater, the last sixty seconds of Daft Punk’s Something About Us… ah crap I was only supposed to choose one
Ghosts: a wild-haired sprite with firefly eyes
Hometown/Holiday that makes you excited: a suburb outside Atlanta GA / none that excite me, but Christmas makes me happy c:
In love with: my daydreams, sunlight through translucent leaves, music, early morning walks, the unwritten future, the sound of owls on muggy summer nights, raindrops on mosquito netting, the stained glass windows of our parish chapel, people, my brothers, my sisters, God
Jealous of: no one, atm
Killed anyone: unsuccessfully
Last time you cried: ..forty minutes ago. Happy tears :)
Middle Name/Main writing project: Maria / my webcomic The Herald’s Soul
Number of siblings: 11
One wish: to love as I’ve been loved
Person I last called: my little sister
Question you are often asked: How are you?
Reason to smile: tomorrow is new
Song you last sang: Sometimes When It Rains by Secret Garden, if humming counts
Time you woke up: around 10 AM
Unlikeliest thing you've ever done: finished an assignment a day before it was due
Vacation destination: no :(
Worst habit: my horrible sleep schedule.. also, good ol' procrastination
X-rays: nope
Your favorite food: lumpia, fish, roasted potatoes, oranges, almonds, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocadoes, baked squash and onions, sushi, hot miso soup, cassava cake, lemon tea, slightly-melted green tea icecream mochi
Zodiac sign: cancer

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Favorite novel: Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis

Favorite series + favorite author: The Fitz and the Fool by Robin Hobb

Favorite movie: Princess Mononoke

My favorite prayer:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.




reading/writing, piano, guitar, singing, listening to music, making art, webcomics, tea, people, learning languages, psychology, spirituality, health/fitness, outdoorsy stuff n' being in nature, wallowing in daydreams and childhood nostalgia instead of sleeping, being my siblings' unpaid therapist


Comic artist by night. Art teacher and realtor's assistant by day... Who woulda thought? My entire job is talking to people; I suck at talking to people. It's great. :')

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.
— Bishop Desmond Tutu