So, while I'm not a fan of this poem, I want to be. I can see the great poem in here, and hope I can help bring it out. And ...
Jan 11, 2011
One of the many joys of poetry is subtly, mostly with the rhymes. The rhymes here are so sing-songey that it almost hurts. try lengthening out the phrases so that ...
Jan 11, 2011
Well, this took me by surprise. Congradulations, not very many things can do that! Trust me too, it was a good surprise. I like how it rambles and the whole ...
Jan 3, 2011
I like this a lot, I've only got one thing to pick on "Gandhi once remarked that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, but if we’re ...
Nov 28, 2010
Not much of a poem, but a ~fantastic~ raw idea. I love it. I think if you expanded on this a little it would be brilliant, just add some imagery ...
Nov 28, 2010
I kind of agree with Paladin...and by kind of I mean really. I think what happened here was you had a small idea and tried to make it big. Small ...
Nov 28, 2010
Every line has a puncuation, and a lot of the time it just seems to be detracting from it. You don't always have to have the punctuation, go through and ...
Mar 20, 2009
I don't really have a lot to say, I'm not that good with poetry-my mind hates critiquing these, it all requires a lot to do about what the author's thinking ...
Mar 20, 2009
I liked it! Bella as a vampire was awesome! The vampire pregnancy thing was weird....And I think it was an unneccessary addition to a series, it ended nicely with Eclipse. ...
Aug 4, 2008
Yay! chapter four is finally up! The walking cliché was back, I like how you opened the chapter. “Aren’t I always, my lovely Jessica?” he said, practically singing. Side characters ...
Jul 31, 2008
Hey there Day! I'm feeling rather vicious today so don't take anything I say as an opinion of the story until I actually get there ^_^. It has to be ...
Jul 31, 2008
Hey Saint! I'm finally getting around to critiquing this one! because he hadn’t had a hit in days. I think when you're going through a detox it'd be called "a ...
Jul 28, 2008
Don't take anything I say too literly, I'm scarcastic even though it doesn't work virtually. Ignore the scarcasm, things I say are worth listening to ya know. clock inch forward ...
Jul 24, 2008
Ello Saint! Renee stared at the twin mulch sacks with a look of sour distaste. They were innocent-looking enough; plain burlap with the company’s logo stamped in bright red, but ...
Jul 19, 2008
Ello Saint! I'm much obliged for this! movie scenes of people coming up to the When I first read that I said to myself "wtf?" and re-read it. It seems ...
Jul 18, 2008