
Young Writers Society


About AardvarkSlave

I was born in Los Angeles, had to move to Florida when I was three, then again, then again...

I was the girl in the corner of the classroom that, when she spoke, said the unexpected. How cliche is that. Later on, I became a bit of a rebel and talked to strangers online without my parents knowing, and met four people that made me the person today. A snarky, social, witty, cocky girl who likes to know everything and anything about a person that strikes her as interesting.

Of course, I'm still an awkward klutz face-to-face.

Lately, I've been more into drawing, writing, and generally learning new things. People often question me about the background of my short stories- I generally leave that part out, for I myself do not know. My style of writing is a descriptive, captivating flash fiction that describes the moment, not including what caused the moment. Does that make sense?


Psychology, RPGs, role playing, indie rock, writing, drawing, drumming, piano, violin, some anime (not otaku-stage), meeting new people and getting in their heads (sounds creepy), and video game soundtracks.



Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
— Thomas Edison