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  • Happy birthday!

  • Mageheart
    Mar 22, 2020

    Happy birthday!

  • fatherfig
    Mar 3, 2020

    Have an amazing day!

  • potatoefry2001
    May 13, 2019

    Happy belated Birthday!! Hope it was AMAZING :)

  • manilla
    Mar 22, 2019

    Happy birthday!

  • Wordzyy
    Mar 22, 2019

    Happy birthday! :)

  • Mageheart
    Mar 22, 2019

    Happy birthday! <3

  • Prokaryote
    Jan 31, 2019

    Diurnal dialectics v topographical faustoids -- sacre bleu!

  • "There is no other day. All days are present now. This moment contains all moments."

    -C.S. Lewis

    ChrisCalaid That's one of my favorite quotes!

    "I believ in Christanity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only beacause I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
    -C.S Lewis

    Mar 6, 2020

  • I've been thinking a lot about what it means to grow up a refugee or an immigrant or the child of immigrants in the U.S. There are moments when I feel like being an outcast is sort of in my bones, and there are moments when I feel so anxious I might die, like the memory of my family trying to escape persecution in one country only to become outsiders in another, is in my blood. Today my mom told me as much as I am Americanized, to "them" I'm never truly an American. I remember one of the first days of college, I sat down with a counselor who told me I didn't fit in because of the way I dress. I didn't say anything, and I wish I had.

    Anyway, I just wanted to share these thoughts.

    Holysocks That must really suck. I'm sorry you have and do go through that. If it helps at all, you'll always have a home on YWS! I know that's not the same as a country, but anyway. And if anyone ever makes you feel unwelcome on YWS, let a moderator know! <3
    Jun 25, 2018

    Kale My father's side of the family has been in the Americas since colonial times. My mother was a Japanese immigrant, and despite all she did to assimilate into the culture, she was never American enough.

    When Americans look at me, they don't see "American". They only see "Asian". They always ask me where I'm "from", and keep digging for an answer other than the truth.

    It sucks, and it is completely unfair.

    The kicker is that these are the same people screaming that racism doesn't actually exist.

    Jun 25, 2018

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  • “I think writers use absolutely everything that happens to us, and surely if I had had a different sort of childhood and still come out a writer, I’d be a different kind of writer. It’s on a par with, but different from, the fact that I had four brothers who were born and died before I was born. Some of them didn’t come to term, some of them did come to term and then died. But my mother couldn’t carry a child to term, for the most part something went wrong. If they had lived, I would be a very different person. So, anything that happens in your life that is important, if it didn’t happen you would be someone different.” - Octavia Butler

  • “First forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you’re inspired or not. Habit will help you finish and polish your stories. Inspiration won’t. Habit is persistence in practice.” - Octavia Butler

  • TheWeirdoFromBeyond
    May 29, 2018

    Thanks for the follow (:

    Dreamworx95 thanks for following my story!
    May 29, 2018

    TheWeirdoFromBeyond Your story is awesome, I just had to follow it.
    May 29, 2018

  • Happy Birthday! :D

  • Mageheart
    Mar 22, 2018

    Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day.

It's not nice to roast people when they're out of comebacks.
— Atticus