BlueFeltrix wrote:#classifiedSpoiler! :Szkkb Yrigswzb, BDH!
Riffy Nwpzrxiy, YOU!
Ohwwf Ipyaokhf, FDZ!
gonyq qusqt lpqjx j
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Jrner Jqtkfstg, GYJ!
Unccl Oveguqnl, LJF!
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aabbb aaaaa abbba abbba babba aaaab abaaa baaaa baaba aabbb aaabb aaaaa babba babba babaa baaab
HpyBrha,YSap itdy W!
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36 53 89 70 98 36 48 55 86 77 49 55 78 78 65 85
.. ... . . ... ..... ... ..... ..... .... . .. .. .... .... .. .... .... .. ... . .... . . ..... .... ..... .... ..... .. .... ...
Link to original comment
Jun 29, 2020
Your knight @Theclassifieduser is asleep at his glaive
How he has brought shame to your sidious house! Beslubbering, cowardly, miscreant louse!
But I'll give you one chance to save your repute, as it hangs on precipitous thread
If another champion is to take their place,
I will graciously duel them instead.
A Duel between Yorick and Classified
#classified #yorickvsclassified