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Young Writers Society


  • I am attending a wedding in the coming weeks...how should I do my hair?? Help!

    soundofmind not sure how long your hair is but i like to put my hair up if i can :^) that way i can dance my heart out and not worry about it flying around haha
    Jun 1, 2022

    clarevelyn13 @soundofmind ooh, good point! I suppose it's medium-long. Lol. Maybe a half-up half-down situation? My hair also doesn't hold a curl to save its life so maybe an updo would be best!
    Jun 1, 2022

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  • This is me holding an audition (not really, more like gauging interest lol) for someone who would like to begin a Roleplay Duo with me?? I have a couple ideas but not quite sure yet. Definitely something adventurous, possibly having to escape from somewhere o.O

    soundofmind i could potentially b inch rested
    May 29, 2022

    clarevelyn13 @soundofmind okay!! I will probably post an idea in the roleplay duos area, so if you're still inch rested (lol) it will be there
    May 29, 2022

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  • May Haiku Collection Submission Thread 2022
    The May Haiku Collection!! @lliyah & @Liminality :D Go check it out if you haven't already! Also I wanted to post my haikus hehe

    the role of a nurse
    to care for mind, body, soul
    trust and persevere


    the doorbell has rung
    won't answer, like no one's home
    I'm an introvert

  • "You can't wait until life isn't hard before you decide to be happy."

  • Thank for the follow back<333

    clarevelyn13 :D
    May 25, 2022

  • Thank you for the follow! Why have I had the pleasure?

    clarevelyn13 Well, I haven't been on here for a long time, and I saw you liked my post on my wall - I'm not sure how many of those I used to follow are still active on here and also wanted to meet some new fellow writers :)
    May 25, 2022

    NewHope Okay! What do you write?
    May 25, 2022

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  • It's been two years, and I'd like to start writing again. :)

    looseleaf Yay!
    May 24, 2022

    soundofmind welcome back!
    May 27, 2022

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  • Happy birthday! 🎂

  • winterwolf0100
    Feb 13, 2022

    Happy birthdayyy!!

  • Happy birthday!!

  • Happy Birthday!

    clarevelyn13 Thanks Liberty!!
    Feb 16, 2020

  • Happy birthday!

    clarevelyn13 Thank you Jaybird! :D
    Feb 16, 2020

  • Thanks for the follow back! <3

    I was about to say welcome to YWS, but then I realized you were here since '16. xp I haven't seen you around! Nice to meet ya. :)

    clarevelyn13 Yeah, thanks for the follow! Nice to meet you as well.

    Also haha, yeah - I guess I've been around a while, but I kind of fade in and out depending on school. I also haven't really been able to write for a while, but we'll see :)

    Dec 13, 2019

    Lib Ah, I see. Your welcome, by the way.

    And start writing soon it's awesome I promise, but it's your choice! School's kept me busy too but I sneak on, teehee.

    Dec 13, 2019

  • You pretty cool, and great at RPing would you like to join Asgard?

    clarevelyn13 Hey so, it's been about a year since I've been on, sorry about that! School will do that to ya, haha. But thanks for the compliment! And I'd love to join in, if such a thread is still active.
    Mar 2, 2019

    fatherfig Um if you can find the thread Lol... You are very welcome by the way, and your time is yours to do what you wish with.
    Mar 4, 2019

  • Good afternoon, world.

    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." --Winston Churchill

    EverLight Wise words indeed. No truer words have ever been spoken. (:
    Nov 4, 2019

Who knows anything about anyone, let alone themselves.
— Hank Green