deleted23 Hiya
Jun 17, 2015
rainforest Haha that's odd! My middle name is James. XD
Apr 24, 2015
deleted23 Freaky........!
Apr 25, 2015
I'm happy you're here at YWS, and I'm glad you like it!
I'm here because of my older sister, and I'm still glad I joined.
So, even though your brother is probably telling you everything about YWS, if there's anything he doesn't tell you about, go ahead and ask me about it. I'd be happy to help!
P.S. Just a guess. Did your brother make your profile banner?
CJF2005 He did make the banner! And thanks.
Apr 23, 2015
Lucia Any time!
Apr 24, 2015
CJF2005 Thanks!
Apr 23, 2015
If your a brother of Captainsaltwater, then you're a friend of mine!
Welcome to YWS!
CJF2005 Thanks!
Apr 23, 2015
I guess it's time for you guys to find out about me!
Well, I am 10 years old and I love turtles. My older brother, CaptainSaltWater convinced me to be on here, and so far, I am really liking it here. You guys can call me CJF or just CJ. It doesn't' t really matter! I am looking forward to doing more things here. So thanks for greeting me!
Dreamy Welcome to the site~ ^_^
Apr 23, 2015
Hi there! ^.^ Welcome to YWS. If you have any questions, you can PM me! Also, I hear you're Cap's little brother. (Wait... That's belittling. Younger brother sounds nicer.)
CJF2005 Hi and thanks!
Apr 23, 2015
CJF2005 Thanks!
Apr 23, 2015
Heyyyyyyyyyyy your brother said to welcome you so WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CJF2005 Hi
Apr 23, 2015
CJF2005 Thanks, and did I see you in chat?
Apr 22, 2015
Sunshine1113 You did
Apr 22, 2015
Jul 3, 2015