PickledChrissy Oh, thank you! I appreciate it.
May 1, 2023
PickledChrissy Ah... I don't even remember anymore.
Apr 27, 2023
winterwolf0100 Understandable XD
Apr 27, 2023
Is anyone interested in a review swap? I recently wrote a poem and it is still in the green room. I don't do poetry often, but this one is near and dear to me and I would like to improve on it.
PickledChrissy Anyone? It's all by itself.
Apr 21, 2023
your poem is beautiful not a lot of people are awake rn haha but i think tomorrow it will have likes flowing over :'D
PickledChrissy Oh, thank you! I appreciate the kind words. I don't write poetry often, it isn't my greatest talent.
Apr 21, 2023
fatherfig ive seen you around since ive been on but i dont think we've interacted haha
Apr 18, 2023
Jun 1, 2023