StupidSoup Thanks!
Oct 13, 2019
StupidSoup Thank you friend
Oct 13, 2019
fatherfig You are very welcome!
Oct 14, 2019
Just for anyone still wondering I don't write anymore. Account is dead. It was a blast while it lasted
StupidSoup Freshman year is sttuuuppiiddd but it's good to be back for winter break. What're you up to.
Jan 8, 2019
Obscura Stressing out about going back to college in less than a week xD Then I'm gonna be busy, busy, busy!
You in college now?
Jan 8, 2019
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Audition for Redlands School of Music today. Lets hope we don't absolutely bomb it.
Happy Birthday to you! (I apologize for not being able to find any birthday soup, but here's a cupcake instead)
Oct 8, 2022