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Young Writers Society


  • Haven't been around in a while. Wages is dead. Hey, ho, let's go.

  • ThereseCricket
    Nov 27, 2014

    Happy YWSiversary! :elephant:

    Whooah, you're a one year old. So old and mature. xD

    Cirute Happy YWSiversary to you too!
    I forgot it was my one year anniversary, thanks for reminding me!

    Nov 28, 2014

  • ThereseCricket
    Oct 31, 2014

    Hey, we have the same birthday! Happy birthday to you! :D

    Cirute Happy birthday and happy Halloween then! :D
    Oct 31, 2014

    ThereseCricket haha, you too. Ohh cool. We both turned sixteen. ;)
    Nov 1, 2014

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  • Happy birthday!

    Cirute Happy Halloween, fortis! Thanks!
    Oct 31, 2014

  • Happy birthday!

    Cirute Thank you! Happy Halloween to you!
    Oct 31, 2014

    r4p17 You're welcome!
    Oct 31, 2014

  • Cirute
    Oct 19, 2014

    Sorry I haven't been around lately. I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been kind enough to review/read the stuff I post. You guys are great!

  • I love history. I want to burn my history homework, then grind the ashes down into a fine powder and eject it out into space.

  • Cirute
    Sep 25, 2014

    I'm going to upload chapter 19 tonight... if I can fight the laziness and actually get around to doing that. Chapter 19 is -super- short, so don't expect anything spectacular.

  • Cirute
    Sep 23, 2014

    Yes, I'm still alive.

  • Why must I return to school???

  • Cirute
    Aug 30, 2014

    A rough draft of Wages: Chapter 18 has been uploaded. READ ZEE CHAPTER WITH YOUR FACE VISUAL SENSORS!!! NOW!!!

  • Cirute
    Aug 29, 2014

    I've been a bit reclusive lately. Sorry for that. Reading the wonderful stuff that people post here is much more enjoyable than working construction on a sizzling roof, but sadly, doesn't pay as well. Anyway, a new chapter of Wages ought to be up either today or tomorrow, just in time for review day.

  • Cirute
    Aug 19, 2014

    Progress. Chapter eighteen, though I have been moving very slowly on it, is about half way done. I'm also planning on making character sheets for Nimbus, Celsko, Veexer, ect., as well as a few drawings depicting scenes from the story. Should be fun.

  • Cirute
    Aug 7, 2014

    Frank Herbert's Dune = 185,723 words
    Currently Wages is at 39,567 words.
    Now, I know there's a bit of a gap there, but let's see how close to Dune's astronomically large word count Wages will be in the end. My best guess is that Wages will come out to be around 150,000 words, but I don't know. Anyone here ever write something longer than Dune?

  • The beginnings of a Celsko drawing to accompany the Nimbus one.

    *Is thinking about drawing a scene with the two of them... and possibly others*


    And for those of you who couldn't tell, her little speech bubble was edited in on MS Paint. :P

I'm a fledgling potato bird that lives in a nest in the rp forums
— Ley