The Tales of the Argonauts: The Osorezu and the Hana (Chapter 1-1)
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Has anyone else ever felt that when you write a great first chapter, you're afraid to continue because you don't want to mess up the rest of the story or disappoint the readers?
malachitear I get ya.
Dec 27, 2013
Odyssey Very time I start a story this is exactly how I feel. >,<
Feb 7, 2014
The solution to writers block is to get a notebook and write down everything, look at a tree, and then look at the fire that could burn said tree. Then stare at a spider, then look at the sky blankly for three hours. Then try singing free style, without any goal at what you are singing, see what comes to mind. Stare at passing traffic, go into a coffee shop and just hear the conversations that go on around you. Write down everything that comes to mind and eventually you will find something that fits with your story. Don't try to force things you write to fit within what ever plot, just write down everything. Eventally something will pop up.
Also, look for something complex you enjoy looking at, something that changes as you look at it. For me the best thing to look at is fire. Some people like looking at clouds. That time spent staring is wonderful for creativity.
Zolen Also
Nov 30, 2013
Zolen To do at least one random thing
Nov 30, 2013
Thanks for the follow, and welcome!
Ask me anything if you need help
See you around!
Welcome to the site and thanks for the follow! It means a lot. Honestly I agree with you about writers block. It is so annoying!! ^.^
Hello, Welcome to YWS and thank you for the follow!!!!!!!
If ever you need help with writers block, I'd merrily help
Enjoy your time here!!
Basil X3
I really like this website! Mainly because I can get constructive criticism. Thanks for the welcome guys!(:
Writers block is a real pain in the butt. :c
Dreamy Welcome!!!
Nov 27, 2013
Heya, Leila!!! *squishhugs* WELCOME TO YWS.
Haha If you need anything, please feel free to ask! This is an awesome site where I'm sure you'll be a part of the family in no time. ^-^ See ya around!
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Apr 22, 2014