SushiSashimi333 Ah thank you! I can't believe I got a birthday post after all these years! Thank you so much!
Jun 16, 2018
What memories do people have on this site? Even though I don't really come on any more, I have such wonderful memories when I find the time to visit very briefly. I remember middle school times, sitting at my desk in the spring and reviewing stories, writing stories, chatting with new friends. Definitely happier times with less stress and other such negative feelings. When I think of YWS I think of a beautiful spring day with the subtle scent of flowers in the wind and mowed grass. What memories do you hold?
deleted5 The Great Spam War of '14
Jan 15, 2018
dragonfphoenix Copying the site code and getting called out for it in '14[And getting to do it again four years later bc PEOPLE NEVER LEARN and the copyright's still so last year]
Jan 15, 2018
hey there! I miss you! I don't know if you remember me, but I was modded with you, I think my name was like Aquestioning or Omniyus at the time haha
SushiSashimi333 OMG YES I REMEMBER! I miss being on hereSuch great memories on this site.
Jan 15, 2018
In college now. I miss the freedom of summer... The only thing motivating me to work hard is to be like this one character in a Korean drama that worked really hard and was really smart and ended up with this really hot guy for a boyfriend and another really hot guy that liked her... What a way to motivate myself haha
Holysocks Lol, whatever works, really! What are you taking?
Sep 7, 2017
SushiSashimi333 @Holysocks Wow I'm extremely late >_> My first semester I took Chinese, Calc II, Advanced Gen Chem, and a first year class about ancient erotic Chinese literature (lol I didn't read the description on that one). But now for J-term (1 class for the entire month) I'm taking Chinese, supah intenseWhat are you studying/do you study?
Jan 15, 2018
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I went to see some famous tennis players yesterday (like Rafael Nadal and Venus Williams) with 3 guy friends and it was sooooo cool!!! We were all star struck it was funny but after 10 hours in the sun, we all got SOOOO burnt and my back is literally a lattice work of bright red skin. It hurts :'(
Mea Unfortunately the chat bar was removed at the beginning of the year - see YWS Chatroom and Chat Bar to Close Jan. 10, 2017.
Aug 8, 2017
SushiSashimi333 @Mea Thank you for the update! I thought something trippy was happening. That's really sad that the chat bar is gone but I can understand internet safety.
Aug 8, 2017
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So I got a new laptop for college... college... college.............Spoiler! :
Jun 15, 2022