Hi, turns out I'm artsy and a disaster and a little bit funny. Come follow my art and daily thoughts on Instagram pls. Also have a nice day : )
https://www.instagram.com/invites/conta ... nt=2sjbnru
Impulsive poetry improv:
There are too many words caught in my chest
Pressing my belly out and constraining my lungs
I do my best to hollow out a space for them
Carving myself free of flesh with every shake of my head
There is a universe inside me
Built from unspoken fears, unclouded wonder
Words tangled into knots of bitter regret
*Annnnd I ran out. Lol.*
I wanna write a poem using lines from my old works. I tend to have a few lines I love and work some fluff in to fill it out, lol.
BluesClues wrote:@Carlito I'll be in here!LadyMysterio wrote:come chill w me
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I see the sky as a shade of brilliant violet
And we look together and we call it blue
And we agree that the world is the same between us.
I stand in moonlight and you call it day
And I have no thought but to agree
So I call these shifting shadows the cool of sunhigh
And I walk among them, blurring the lines of myself into the edges.
These shades of difference go uncalled
So we walk these parallel worlds unknowingly
Side by side with only a universe between us
Carina wrote:ever smile cuz ppl around u are smilin and u just gotta let out da cheese? das some good energy right there
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BluesClues wrote:Party in the pad!IcyFlame wrote:In here for a while working on my January reviews! Come and join
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Vincian wrote:Magebird wrote:The YWS Best & Most Awards 2020's voting period ends tomorrow! If you still haven't cast your votes, don't forget to stop by the thread before then. Even if you don't have votes for every single category, your votes will still be very much appreciated.
And, while you're at it, don't forget to make a yearbook post or share any resolutions you might have for 2021! There are no deadlines for those two threads, but it's fun to do them before the start of the new year~
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Mageheart Thanks for the repost!
Dec 30, 2020
So this was supposed to be a poem about addiction, but I'm not sure how well that came out.Spoiler! :
Dec 20, 2021