Holysocks Whoa... that was a rare sighting. O.O
Dec 2, 2014
Mind and Doorstep Shadows
A silken balm; 'tis night's dark eyes
that shrouds the mind and thoughts inside.
Moments resting the blackness. Why,
if light is truth does the daytime sky
withhold the stars by bright blue walls,
and night be their only looking glass?
it is the only thing I can compare equally
between shackles twisting back my wrists
that hold on regardless of the tears that flood my skin
in the dead of winter.
and lying back between the folds in the grass
just far enough between the shade;
to watch the light bend between the branches
and wash over my face;
that I may see the world once more.
Poetry thoughts:
I like chocolate
but sometimes
I don't like chocolate,
and in some idiotic and messed up way
it made me realise that nothing about myself
has ever been certain.
And in the same weird way
it also made me think just maybe
that's why nobody knows me.
Because two days from now I
will not be the same person I was
two days before.
And every time someone says
'I like chocolate'
people call it stereotypical and
moronic, but maybe
that's just all they knew about themselves
at the time.
I'm having one of those weird thought processes where I question everything including my questions, and my questions of those questions... And then I update a random status about it on a site I use to basically live on but is now a foreign land to me because life has once again decided to throw lemons at me and demand lemonade.
turtlethatroars I like the image this poem represents. I sometimes talk to myself, then question why I talk to myself, then question why I am still talking to myself.
Mar 4, 2014
Holysocks O.O Oh my gosh... my friend wrote a story for me, called; When Life Gives you Lemons, it's possibly the best story ever...
Mar 4, 2014
Hey there w&w, I was wondering if you were still active in storybooks? If so, then will you be interested in participating in the future of Storybook Revolution?
wordsandwishes Sure thing, why do you ask?
Feb 22, 2014
Obscura Just wondering!
Feb 22, 2014
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SO, for about acouple weeeks my computer wouldn't let me on YWS, I have a bunch of unposted drafts so..... I guess I'm gonna go on a posting binge. So uh.... yeah.
SoundsOfLife Good luck!
Nov 5, 2013
wordsandwishes Thanks ^^
Nov 8, 2013
wordsandwishes good, tired, hungry, you?
Oct 14, 2013
Deanie Basically feeling the same Although I did just eat breakfast
Oct 15, 2013
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I really want chocolate right now. Flying would be weird, but you know how it is; potato.
FlowerPower True words of wisdom
Oct 2, 2013
wordsandwishes Heyyyy!
Oct 2, 2013
Guys, I think there's something wrong with me. I've been having nonstop extremely vivid dreams every time I sleep. My memory also seems to be having trouble. Anybody know what might be happening?
Deanie ... no idea. But I had almost the same thing in the summer holidays! It played out in time.
Sep 5, 2013
wordsandwishes Okay, thanks Deanie^^
Sep 7, 2013
May 28, 2019