Happy birthday!~ I hope you have a wonderful day that's filled with joy - you definitely deserve it! â
my emotions in the last ninety minutes. Ticked off --> Pressure --> Joy --> Extreme excitement --> Frustration --> Unbelievably upset. I can't catch a break. We'll see if some Randomosity and some reviews can't lift my spirits some more.
Your "location" always freaks me out whenever I'm on your wall at like 3 in the morning
Deadman That was my intention upon making it. Glad to know it's entertaining
Nov 24, 2014
Blues Non, chuis pas lĂ .
Aug 18, 2014
Deadman Uh?
Aug 18, 2014
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Hey! I know we never actually had a real conversation, but you've vanished from here! Where'd you disappear off to? Your wonderful presence should come back soon.
Jun 14, 2022