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NightWalker Thanks manisha!
Sep 13, 2013
I wonder what will happen if we reach 30 years old and still addicted to YWS?
NightWalker aww Lol :3
Sep 4, 2013
NightWalker Already .I hope it helps you!
Aug 31, 2013
Thanks for the review You are too kind
It was really my first venture into short poetry so I was really excited to get a bit of positive feedback
NightWalker My pleasure^^
Aug 26, 2013
Hey NightWalker Thank you for the nice review, I replied to it under the poem, if you want to know what is up with the ending and title
Thank you very much for the review!
Jack is actually a poem about a character from one of my novels. "Wheel-man" is a term I made up, and it's a nickname that one of his friends gave him when he got his first car. It doesn't really have much meaning, except that it was the one time in his life that he really had a purpose.
Does that clear things up a bit, I hope?
NightWalker i see now:)thanks.You better add this(how he got the name) on your poem:)
Jan 3, 2013
Payne Thanks. I'll see if I can work it in there somehow!
Jan 3, 2013
I wish to write at least 1 novel,sometimes while typing my idea flew just like a river then suddenly stoped!I hope i can safe it in draf:(
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Sep 13, 2013