The Medium
Review my new work I just posted! First in a very long time. Most of my other work has been, let's face it, terrible. This I think might actually be okay. Here's the link: Humanity: Derelict
Hi there!
Happy Birthday!I read your name as VampireSushi at first lol
Hope you have a great day!
VampireSenshi Vai Ashama. I'll get to this ASAP.
Jun 14, 2014
Finally got around to getting my name changed. I feel more ... mature, now. I think.
Obscura Senshi has evolved!
Jun 22, 2014
VampireSenshi Thanks!! Yeah I've been really swamped with school and such and I've been itching to get back into the storybook atmosphere. Forgive me if I don't recognize you, probably a username change?
May 10, 2014
Obscura Yep, I used to be omniyus xD
May 10, 2014
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Jan 20, 2022