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  • I think the most recent thing I wrote (Jacket) makes me think the most
    I didn't really give myself time to think about what it meant. I KNOW what it's about, but it could be interpreted in so many ways. Interpretation is one of my favorite things.
    I hope people like it, and feel free to comment on it what you interpret it as

  • I wrote another poem
    This one's short though
    I didn't do my usual 3 edits, but I think I would have overthought it if I had
    So I'm glad I didn't
    Have an amazing day/night!
    Logan <3

  • Hello, everyone!
    I just published three new poems here, "Some Days," "Giving Up," and "I Want You to Be Okay."
    If you're interested in reading all of them, I'd advise you to read "Some Days," then "Giving Up," and then "I Want You to Be Okay," because that's how the timeline makes sense to me.
    They're each about aspects of my love life in the past year-ish. The last poem, "I Want You to Be Okay," is the cutest of them all I think, mostly because it doesn't make me sad currently. "Some Days" and "Giving Up" are also cute, don't get me wrong, but they're sad for me. (Don't feel bad for me now; I'm quite happy currently!)
    Anyway, sorry for the ramble!
    I'm just quite excited.
    Have a great day/night!
    <3 <3 <3

  • Just wrote a new thing I've been working on and published it here ("Don't Go (Part 1)")
    Super excited for it, I love the idea and it was super fun to write
    It took a bit to edit because I kept editing like half of it and then having to stop to go do something else, so the first half should be very well edited!
    I had a lot of fun and I hope people enjoy reading it
    It's kinda funny that I had fun because it's kind of a depressing story if you look into it a lot, which you don't have to
    I got some inspiration for the style from The Fall of Freddy the Leaf by Leo Buscaligia, which is really good, and everyone should read it. It tells about death through the life of a leaf and it's rich with metaphors and symbolism. It's really, good if you're reading this, you need to read it next.
    Sorry for the ramble, just super excited!
    You should go read the new thing I posted entitled "Don't Go (Part 1)"
    And yes, I do have plans for a Part 2
    Have a wonderful day, and thank you for reading this nonsense
    <3 <3 <3

  • Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
    If you want to answer...
    What do you think is the prettiest pride flag? (definitely not me getting ideas for characters' identities...)
    Thank you whether you commented or not! Have a great day/night!

    APoltergeist Honestly, either the demisexual one or the aromantic flag!
    Sep 27, 2024

    Logan15 I agree @APoltergeist they are very pretty
    Sep 29, 2024

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  • If you're ace and you know it clap your hands! *clap clap*
    If your trans and you know it clap your hands! *clap clap*
    If you're queer in any way, and you really want to show it, if you're also really really gay, clap your hands! *clap clap*
    (Who was clapping along? And to which ones? I was all of them lol)

    Logan15 This still makes me laugh
    I am quite proud of this

    Oct 10, 2024

    avimoon bisexual queer *insert aggressively happy flag waving*
    Nov 7, 2024

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  • Hey quick question!
    Of the people reading this who read the "Chat Rooms (Part 1?)" thing I posted a while back, who liked it enough to want a Part 2? My friend might but I don't haven't asked them yet. So whoever is reading this, please comment to tell me if you would or would not!
    Thank you!
    Have a wonderful day/night! <3 <3 <3

  • NoOneInParticular
    Aug 14, 2024

    Thanks for the follow! :3

    Logan15 You're welcome! Have a nice day!
    Aug 16, 2024

    Did you have a bad day? If so, you need to read this! (I know I really do)
    I know, I know, today was a rough day. It was difficult. I don't think everything was mutually understood, and you're dreading the next day. But you got through today! This isn't a "how much worse can tomorrow be?" kind of thing. It's a "You did it! I am so proud of you! You can get through tomorrow! You got this!" kind of thing. You know, you got this. You can do it, and we both know it.
    Say it with me: "I got this!"
    Come on, say it again.
    No, there's an exclamation mark at the end. "I got this!" Be excited. Be confident, because you do got this
    One more time, this time in all caps. (Say it like it's written)
    "I GOT THIS!!!"
    That was even better than I had planned!
    I get that today was a tough day; I've had them too. Just know that you got this, and you're doing great. Some things may need to change, but it's not just you and it's not just them. Some things may need to stay the same, but they might not. Some things will never be right, but that's okay.
    Why is it okay?
    Because you got this.

    goodolnoah What a cute little message!!! I hope you are doing alright as well <33
    Aug 3, 2024

    Logan15 Thank you!!! I love writing things like this
    I'm alright, but I hope you're doing better! <3

    Aug 3, 2024

  • that frying pan joke was genius XDD

    Logan15 Thanks!
    Jun 28, 2024

  • Thanks for the follow! Love your profile pic!

    Logan15 Thanks! I love yours too!
    Jun 27, 2024

  • To anyone reading this:
    Don't forget that you're amazing!

  • Hi Logan15, welcome to YWS!

    I'm Hijinks, a retired moderator on the site. I'd be glad to answer any questions you have or show you around if you like - and any other active global moderators, as well as junior moderators and administrators are here to help and answer questions, as well!

    If you're not sure where to start, The Welcome Mat is a great place to get information about the website. You can check out the FAQ thread, or create a post in the Questions and answers forum. I'd also suggest taking a peak at The rules thread so you know what's allowed on the site! (Don't worry, we're pretty chill.)

    One of my personal favourite threads that I still refer to from time to time is The Big Book of YWS Codes - it has absolutely everything you need to know about ~formatting~.

    Also, if you're unsure where to start when it comes to reviewing, the Critique Sandwich and Review templates are really useful resources! You're welcome to ask me if you have any specific questions about writing reviews, too, of course.

    Since this is a writer's site, what are your favourite genres to read or write?

    Hope to see you around. :)

  • hello~ welcome to yws! i'm @herbalhour, but you can call me herb.

    if you need anything-- just @ me, or find someone with a spiffy junior moderator green, global moderator green, or administrator red. (you can respond to this with the little arrow!) hope you enjoy it here :D

    Logan15 Thank you so much! :) Have a wonderful day!
    Feb 25, 2024

Surround yourself with people who are serious about being writers, and who will tell you, ‘Hey—you can do better than this.’ Who will be critical of your work, but also supportive. And who will not be competitive in a negative way.
— Isabel Quintero