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  • Ok gamers, here’s my dilemma. I wanna post more but art takes a while (added to the fact I was unable to properly work for 3 months). I have short story’s written about characters in Skin Deep combined with art to go with it.

    The problem is that it’s huge character spoilers. Especially for a story built on mystery and secrets.

    So either I wait till chapter 2 is finished and just post thoes updates, or I post short stories as well that are mega spoilers. Lmk how you feel!

    Remember you can always read ahead on Webtoon/Tapas as well:)

    I appreciate all of you here that want to see where this story is going!

  • winterwolf0100
    Oct 5, 2023

    Happy birthdayyy!!

  • Spearmint
    Jun 25, 2023


    Hiya Taithoes, welcome to YWS! ^-^ This is a wonderful place for readers, writers, poets, roleplayers, and just people in general, and we're thrilled you're here! Here are some quick links you might want to check out:

    FAQ for New Users -> This post lists the basics of publishing and reviewing works on YWS.
    Knowledge Base -> This is a treasure trove of helpful articles about poetry, writing, reviewing, and more.

    Along with reviewing other ywsers' works and publishing your own works, you can have some fun in the Randomosity forums, join a roleplay, hang out on the People tab, or just explore the site. And of course, feel free to ask me or any moderator (junior or global) any questions you have! (You can hit the little black arrow below this post to reply right now.) I hope you'll like it here! =D


The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.
— Stanislaw Jerszy Lec